2017年10月23日 星期一

SAU1,Blog Post2: Artificial Intelligence and what is human kind?

  Today, I am going to talk about a blog post called Ancient A.I.(artificial intelligence) and the Truth about Humans and share my opinion. 
  In this article, the author says that humans are A.I. robot. Human have their own body and unique mind in their body. I agreed part of author’s opinion. Well, he says that “Human as the BEING is in there and it is the A.I. that is talking to you and giving you software input”. I agree that because  I am just thinking where do the sounds in my head come from? Why can I thinking to do this or not to do this? Maybe those situation all owing to we are A.I robot.

In conclusion, maybe human are  truly A.I. robot but I still believe we are the unique species and no one could replace us.

2017年10月5日 星期四

SAU1, Blog post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction Event

  The sixth mass extinction is a biological annihilation of wildlife, meaning many species would disappear in the coming centuries. By the way, this is the fastest time of the extinction.

  Scientists said there are two mainly reasons caused this situation. One is human overpopulation, the other is too much chemical products used in our life. The more people in the earth, the less place wildlife could live. Because human beings always destroy nature. In my opinion, we can prevent people from over reclaiming nature or teach people the opinion of doing the recycle.

  Thus, we have to face up to the problem and find some way to solve it.

2017年6月5日 星期一

Field trip - Carp Lake

 Carp Lake is a natural lake located on Nantou County and surrounded by mountains. When we walk along the lake, we found that the air in Carp Lake are pretty fresh, trees are green, water are green too. There also have some animals, like peacocks, ducks, turtles, and also different kinds of fishes.
 The weather was so hot that day, the sun shines on the lake let water looked prettier.
 We also found there is a status named Guanyin on the top of the building.
This trip is a really special experience.There are many beautiful views we could see near the lake and I thought if the manager could manage it harder, the place must be a best place by their nature.  

My perspectives of Basic Income

In my opinion, basic income is a money system that could give people a better life. Everyone in this system could be treat equally, since it give people same money to use in their dairy life.
I think there are some benefits in the system. First, everyone could ensure they have enough food to eat, they don’t have to worry about where to live. Second, they could have a different way to live, since they don’t have to worry about their basic need, then they could pursue a better life. Third, the system may help the birth rate, cause the family know they are going yo have more ability to raise a child. 
Though there are many benefits, there still have some drawbacks about basic income, like government may not know how people actually use those money, this situation may cause a lot of society waste. Otherwise, when people realize that they could just stay at home, lying on the couch, they still have money to use. To sum up,basic income is a great system, but if we want to implement in our society, we still have a lot of supporting measures to do.

2017年4月14日 星期五


「basic income」的圖片搜尋結果

  Have you ever heard about basic income? Basic income is a form of social security in which all citizens or residents of a country regularly receive an unconditional sum of money. Why should government do that? Just because those scarcity of resources such like food, water or shelter to live. Poor people do not have money so that obviously they do not have those survival item. To mentioned that, the society may have a lots of problem since this situation.

  The benefit of basic income is that people could have a better life, then they will have more opportunity to do what they really want to do without worrying about how to live.

  There also have some weak points about this system. First, people who are lazy to work will waste community resources because they think they have enough money to survive. Second, government may not afford this system. To sum up, basic income may be a great system but there still have lots of thing we have to think.   

2017年1月10日 星期二

Severe Income Inequality and Human Rights


  In modern society, wealth inequality had been a severe problem for a long time. Nowadays, money almost representative human right. This means that the more money you have, the more human rights you get.

  This situation caused the super rich people have more power to control the poor people. They could easily let the poor people work for them.Due the rich people have to cut down the costs, they don't give proper money to the workers, like people come from third world. This cycle makes income inequality getting worse. When wealth inequality getting worse, human rights will definitely getting worse too.

  How could we solve the problem? I think that we should face on the issue first, then maybe we could set a new rule for this whole world.Break down the improper rule, improve the problem step by step. I hopethe world will become better, everyone have equally human rights.

SAU1 106-2 Photo Story: Introduction of asia university and department.

 Asia University(AU) places at Wufeng, Taichung. Beautiful campus is one of the characters of it. There are green turf, clean sky, and beaut...