2017年10月5日 星期四

SAU1, Blog post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction Event

  The sixth mass extinction is a biological annihilation of wildlife, meaning many species would disappear in the coming centuries. By the way, this is the fastest time of the extinction.

  Scientists said there are two mainly reasons caused this situation. One is human overpopulation, the other is too much chemical products used in our life. The more people in the earth, the less place wildlife could live. Because human beings always destroy nature. In my opinion, we can prevent people from over reclaiming nature or teach people the opinion of doing the recycle.

  Thus, we have to face up to the problem and find some way to solve it.



SAU1 106-2 Photo Story: Introduction of asia university and department.

 Asia University(AU) places at Wufeng, Taichung. Beautiful campus is one of the characters of it. There are green turf, clean sky, and beaut...