2017年6月5日 星期一

My perspectives of Basic Income

In my opinion, basic income is a money system that could give people a better life. Everyone in this system could be treat equally, since it give people same money to use in their dairy life.
I think there are some benefits in the system. First, everyone could ensure they have enough food to eat, they don’t have to worry about where to live. Second, they could have a different way to live, since they don’t have to worry about their basic need, then they could pursue a better life. Third, the system may help the birth rate, cause the family know they are going yo have more ability to raise a child. 
Though there are many benefits, there still have some drawbacks about basic income, like government may not know how people actually use those money, this situation may cause a lot of society waste. Otherwise, when people realize that they could just stay at home, lying on the couch, they still have money to use. To sum up,basic income is a great system, but if we want to implement in our society, we still have a lot of supporting measures to do.



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