2018年4月23日 星期一

SAU1_106-2 Blog post 1: False Flag Terrorism & 9/11

Many people may not know about false flag. False flag means something disguised to seem affiliated with a group other than the one it really is affiliated with. For example, a "false flag operation" is a terrorist act committed by one group for the express purpose of discrediting another group, which is framed for it. Take 911 for example, the US government makes a story let us believe it is a terrorist attack in order to launch a war on Afghanistan.We can realize that false flag terrorism is basically creating, organizing, and influencing “terrorist” attacks, blaming them on foreign “terrorists,” and then capitalizing on that fear and heightened national security state to justify the invasion of other countries under the guise of democracy.In order not to be in the false flag activity, we have to keep a clear mind and don’t judge things too quickly.



SAU1 106-2 Photo Story: Introduction of asia university and department.

 Asia University(AU) places at Wufeng, Taichung. Beautiful campus is one of the characters of it. There are green turf, clean sky, and beaut...