2018年1月15日 星期一

SAU1 Blog post 6 Final Exam: Marine pollution

  Human all lived in land, so we actually don’t realize the ocean very much. People usually thought we were the owner of the earth but they didn’t know that all lives are came from the ocean at first. Ocean is important to living creature because it holds many of lives.

  Although people realize they don’t know the ocean much but they still do many bad thing to the ocean such as pollute the ocean or take too much resourse from the ocean. People drained sewage in the ocean then the creatures of the ocean ate those heavy metal. In the end, those pollution are all came back to our living environment. So, how to reduce the impact of pollution to the ocean is an important issue to the world. 
  There are some pathways of pollution like direct discharge, land runoff,ship pollution, atmospheric pollution or deep sea mining.Many studies show that over 80% of marine pollution comes from land-based activities. This represents human’s activities on the land bring bad impact to the ocean.

  We have only one ocean even one earth, so everyone has the same responsibility to protect our environment. The smallest thing we can do in our daily life is to do a well trash recycle. Hope everyone can do a little effort to protect our ocean.


SAU1 Blog post3: What is the meaning of my life and what is my purpose?


  Before I write this , I have already considered this question for five years. I always remember when I just went to high school,  teacher asked us what kind of person we want to be in the future at the first class. After that, that question made me think what is my purpose.
  Until I read a article on the internet I finally found my answer. ” Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone, people around you might seem to go ahead of you, some might seem to be behide you. But everyone is running their own race in their own time. Don’t envy or mock people, life is about waiting for the right moment to act.” I realize that I want to be a special person and not limited by anything.
  My purpose of life is to be a freedom person and lived happly.

SAU1 Blog post 4: Redifining and Living the Word Health

What is patient? Patient is able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious
In the past, whenever someone told me to be more patient treating people, I would often confuse why do I have to be a patient person. I usually do everything fast and do not want to waste any time. So when someone speaks slowly or so everything without efficiency, I will be angry at them and lose my patience.
Until one day, I got hurt by a car accident, I sit in a wheelchair for almost two months. During that difficult period, my friends take care of me patiently. After that, I realize ”PATIENT” is the essential personality of people so I decide to let “patient” this word lives around me.
How to do ? In my opinion, I just do two things to change myself. One is make myself wait, to get into a habit of waiting. The other is do a little deep breathing, through having this simple behavior, I could be more patient on everything. 

SAU1 106-2 Photo Story: Introduction of asia university and department.

 Asia University(AU) places at Wufeng, Taichung. Beautiful campus is one of the characters of it. There are green turf, clean sky, and beaut...